Databend is an open source elastic and reliable Modern Cloud Data Warehouse, it offers blazing fast query and combines elasticity, simplicity, low cost of the cloud, built to make the Data Cloud easy.

Big changes

Below is a list of some major changes that we don't want you to miss.


  • databend-query(parser): add select statement by @andylokandy, (#4941)
  • databend-query: support mysqldump dump schema by @BohuTANG, (#4972)
  • databend-query: refine new planner framework: use trait object to represent plans to make it more extensible. by @leiysky, (#4895)
  • databend-query: create user if not exists on JWT authenticate by @Junnplus, (#4924)
  • databend-meta: support watch api by @lichuang, (#4779)
  • databend-query(parser): support keyword DATABASE synonym SCHEMA by @TCeason, (#4855)


  • databend-query: reconstruct type: date/datetime to simplify date type by @Veeupup, (#4921)
  • common-functions: refine the functions name from xY to x_y by @BohuTANG, (#4915, #4906 and #4884)
  • common-meta: metasrv has to be compatible with 20220413-34e89c9 by @drmingdrmer, (#4901)
  • databend-query: compatible with mysql insert and select by @TCeason, (#4883)
  • common-functions: replace FactoryCreator with FactoryCreatorWithTypes for functions by @zhyass, (#4688)

Build / Testing / CI

Performance Improvement

  • databend-query(processor): replace global mutex with atomic by @zhang2014, (#4905)

Bug fixes

  • common-functions(cast): fix the behavior of null to boolean by @sundy-li, (#4911)
  • databend-query(group_by): fix group by with negative value by @zhang2014, (#4902)
  • databend-query(transform_limit): fixes limit and offset with one block by @zhang2014, (#4907)
  • databend-query(interpreters): fix empty query by @cadl, (#4894)
  • *: fix show grants from inherited role by @Junnplus, (#4873)


Let's learn a weekly tip from Databend.

Visualization Databend data in Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook is the original web application for creating and sharing computational documents. It offers a simple, streamlined, document-centric experience.

Recently, we have worked on improving Databend's compatibility with the MySQL/Clickhouse ecosystem to provide a better experience. Thanks to improved support for sqlalchemy, we can now interact with data in Databend in Jupyter Notebook.

To experience it, there are only three steps:

Databend with Jupyter Notebook

You can check out to learn more.


You can check the changelogs of Databend nightly to learn about our latest developments.

Meet Us

Please join the DatafuseLabs Community if you are interested in Databend.

We are looking forward to seeing you try our code. We have a strong team behind you to ensure a smooth experience in trying our code for your projects. If you are a hacker passionate about database internals, feel free to play with our code.

You can submit issues for any problems you find. We also highly appreciate any of your pull requests.